As the Sacramento business community continues to adjust to the challenges of COVID-19, California Capital is supporting business owners through free, high-quality business assistance.

Women’s Business Center
California Capital Women’s Business Center (WBC) provides free business start-up and development assistance for small business owners, with a commitment to meet the unique needs of women entrepreneurs and women in business. Connect to the Women’s Business Marketplace.
Click the link below to register with the WBC and gain access to programs.

Lending Center
Offering funding options for different stages of business growth, the California Capital FDC Lending Center offers microloans for start-up and bridge financing to loans, loan guarantees for expansion, working capital, and debt refinancing for established small businesses.
Click the link below to begin the lending process.

Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC)
The California Capital PTAC helps small businesses prepare for, pursue, and perform on government contracts. All services are provided at no cost.
PTAC Services Include:
- One-on-one counseling tailored to the needs of individual businesses
- Training workshops and webinars from beginning to advanced level topics
- Customized and automated Bid Match
Click the link below to register and gain access to all PTAC services.
Explore the 2021 Program Line-Up

California Capital Women’s Business Marketplace
The Women’s Business Marketplace is an online e-commerce platform for women business owners to list products and services, network with other women entrepreneurs, and discover opportunities.

Train the Trainer
As a part of our outreach to communities in the Sacramento area, a series of webinars will help community organizations and individuals respond to the challenges of COVID-19. Trainings are focused on access to digital business technologies and strategies for adapting business practices to online operations.