California Capital Women’s Business Marketplace

Banner image of pins connecting string on a board.

The California Capital Women’s Business Center has partnered with WHAT NOW WHAT NEXT to create an online Marketplace for women-owned businesses in Northern California. FREE Listings in our new Marketplace expand the reach of your business across California and across the country, making it easy to share and source business expertise and support women business owners overall.

Here’s how it works.

We also sponsor free online webinars on the WHAT NOW WHAT NEXT platform that will teach you how to promote your products and services more effectively and connect with new customers and opportunities. As a member, you’ll receive regular updates about our free webinars as well as a range of other free resources and services.

CA Capital’s WBC Marketplace also helps the people and organizations who want to support women-owned businesses by making it easy to source the expertise, products, and services they need.

