Event Details
Cyber Security and Online Privacy
Smart phones, Tablets, Computers, and other connected devices make our lives much more convenient, but they can also be portals for hackers, spies, advertisers, blackmailers, and thieves (aka Black Hats).
These days anybody can purchase software for less than $10 that can track all of your keystrokes, turn on your webcam and microphone in your home or office, track your location through your phone, or use your computer to launch an attack on any website without your knowledge.
This workshop will include video demonstrations of basic hacks and discuss tools and techniques to help keep the black hats out of your devices, homes, and bank accounts.
For those interested in joining remotely, please follow the webinar instructions below:
Registration URL: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8329063762881173260
Webinar ID:298-355-963
August 22, 2019
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
California Capital Women’s Business Center
1792 Tribute Rd #270
Sacramento, CA 95815
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