Event Details
How to Access Capital for Your Business w/ CalCap & SBA
Please join us for a joint webinar featuring representatives from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and California Capital Women’s Business Center (WBC).
In this webinar California Capital will advise participants on:
-Possible sources of funding
-California Capital Loan Programs
-What’s included in a loan application, including the importance of a Business Plan and Cash Flow Projections
-What lenders look for in a loan applicant (the “Five C’s of Credit”)
This portion of the workshop is presented by Sunita Maharaj, Loan Portfolio Manager, Direct Lending Program, California Capital FDC
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) will discuss SBA programs and services to assist your business. The presentation will cover SBA loan programs, federal contracting programs, small business classes, and one-on-one business counseling available at no cost. Learn about available resources and how to access them.
Learn how to start or expand your business with loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration. Learn about specific programs and how to prepare yourself for the loan application process.
About the Speakers
A representative from the SBA’s Sacramento District Office will deliver SBA’s presentation to increase awareness of SBA programs and services throughout its 21-county district. For more information, please visit: www.sba.gov
**Upon completed registration, you will receive a confirmation email in which the link to join the Zoom session(s) will be located. Please be sure to scroll down to find the link**
“The Women’s Business Center is funded in part by the U.S. Small Business Administration”
June 4, 2024
10:30 am - 12:00 pm