How to Access Capital for Your Business w/ CalCap & SBA

Event Details

How to Access Capital for Your Business w/ CalCap & SBA

In this webinar California Capital will advise participants on:
-Possible sources of funding
-California Capital Loan Programs
-What’s included in a loan application, including the importance of a Business Plan and Cash Flow Projections
-What lenders look for in a loan applicant (the “Five C’s of Credit”)

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) will provide an overview of the Paycheck Protection Program’s loan forgiveness requirements.

The following information will be covered:
-Allowable payroll and non-payroll costs
-Covered periods
-Required documentation
-Loan forgiveness process and timeframes
-Frequently asked questions

SBA will also share information on federal small business programs and services available during the COVID-19 crisis. The presentation will cover the PPP loan forgiveness, Economic Injury Disaster Loan, standard SBA loan programs, federal contracting programs, small business webinar trainings, and one-on-one business counseling at no cost.

About the Speaker
A representative from the SBA’s Sacramento District Office economic development team will deliver SBA’s presentation. The economic development team works to increase awareness of the SBA programs and services throughout its 22-county district.  For more information, please visit:

This workshop is presented by Judy Fletcher, Chief Lending Officer with California Capital David Castaneda, Economic Development Specialist, U.S. Small Business Administration


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August 3, 2021
9:30 am - 11:00 am