Boundaries: What are they, and why do I need them?

Event Details

Boundaries: What are they, and why do I need them?

Sound familiar??

  • I can’t make it to my kids’ soccer practice because I have this big work project my boss just gave me.
  • My vacation days are piling up, but I don’t have the time to get away.
  • Exercise!? I’m way too tired from work to exercise.
  • I didn’t want to make them mad so I agreed . . .

Not having boundaries causes life to feel overwhelming and chaotic. We feel like we don’t have control because we are controlled by the expectations of others. A sense of spaciousness, ease, and peace feel out of reach.

Boundaries help you gain back control so you can have the life that you WANT with a sense of spaciousness, ease, and peace.

Who this workshop is for: 

A person who feels guilty when they want to say no

A person who tends to take on many projects and feels obligated

A person who feels resentful, frustrated, or angry in some relationships (work and personal)

A person who wants to feel less stress and more peace in their life


In this workshop you will learn:

Warning signals that you might need to set boundaries

Common reasons why we don’t set boundaries

Exercises to identify where we need to set boundaries

Strategies to help set healthy boundaries



River Easter is an international business and Life Coach. She is a certified life mastery consultant with a master’s degree in organizational development and a certification from MIT on neuroscience for business leaders. She is a practicing student of nonviolent communication and emotional intelligence.

She is a sought after speaker and a best-selling author..

River helped create environmental policy at a national level, and she has worked for private, nonprofit, and government sectors in process improvement, strategic planning, stakeholder collaboration, and facilitation.

For over 20 years, she has studied transformation success principles and human potential. Taking an integrated, holistic approach, River combines her life experience and broad background of studies with academic theories in systems thinking, emotional intelligence, consciousness hacking, and neuroscience.

She loves to learn and is a voracious reader. She also loves travel, horses, nature, pickleball, cycling, water, and nature. She is married and lives with her husband in Northern California.

Presented by:

River Easter


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“The Women’s Business Center is funded in part by the U.S. Small Business Administration”


October 17, 2023
10:00 am - 11:30 am