Keys to Moving Your Business from Idea to Actuality

Event Details

Keys to Moving Your Business from Idea to Actuality

A major reason business run out of money and fail is the owner does not know what business they are in according to a recent study.

You will leave this webinar knowing what business you are really in so that you can grow your business and avoid expensive time-consuming mistakes.

You will receive the following proven keys:

  • Key#1. Clarifying and Focusing on Your Business Idea.
  • Key#2. Understanding what your customer needs from you.
  • Key#3. Effectively communicate with your customer.
  • Key#4. Creating a successful, marketing calendar.

Why is this program vital to your business success and sustainability?

  • You will save time and money by understanding how to effectively identify your market.
  • You will make more money when you attract the best clients using the ideas you will pick up.
  • Understanding how to create a marketing calendar will help you stay focused on point and on time.
  • It is critical for your business success that you market to your customers and prospects using the method they prefer.

**Upon completed registration, you will receive a confirmation email in which the link to join the Zoom sessions will be located. Please be sure to scroll down to find the link** 

Presented by: Gary McKinsey

Gary’s goal is to work with entrepreneurs and business owners who want to build their ideal business and make more money.

Gary McKinsey has guided thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners to create and implement successful marketing strategies for over forty years.

He focuses on how to effectively communicate with your customers and prospects. So that you can accelerate the growth of your business, increase your income, and avoid expensive time-consuming marketing mistakes.


“The Women’s Business Center is funded in part by the U.S. Small Business Administration”

Register Here!


June 10, 2022
9:00 am - 10:30 am