Insurance for Business Owners

Event Details

Insurance for Business Owners

What you will learn:

All of us small business owners have many hats we wear. Some are more apparent than others. Most of us have considered the insurance needs for our businesses but have we thought about how our personal coverage (or lack thereof) could be disastrous for ourselves/our business/our families? In this class, we will touch on: Auto insurance, Homeowners/Renters Insurance, Excess Liability Insurance, Business Continuation Insurance , Key Person Insurance

What you will learn:

– Do’s & Don’ts to make sure you and your business have the protection they need

-Coverage and policies you need to be familiar with and the value they provide

-Q&A: Specific or general, we can help!

Why this is Important:

-The worst time to learn about insurance is after a loss

-Being educated on your insurance needs and options is the first step to actual protection

-Help yourself to make sure you don’t pay for excess/duplicate coverage so you can get the best value available


**Upon completing registration, you will receive a confirmation email in which the link to join the Zoom sessions will be located. Please be sure to scroll down to find the link** 

Presented by: Freddy Musa

Meet Freddy Musa, an established Farmers Agent that has become an expert on getting his clients the proper coverage they need. After being in the insurance industry for 10 years, Freddy has developed a passion for educating prospects and clients about their protection options.

Taking the time to learn the industry from the ground up, Freddy has positioned himself with the skills and expansive knowledge to grow the relationships with his clients and community. With Freddy’s upfront needs analysis, continual education, and annual reviews, he guarantees his clients have the knowledge needed to protect their businesses and their loved ones from whatever may come.

Register Here!


“The Women’s Business Center is funded in part by the U.S. Small Business Administration”


July 17, 2024
10:00 am - 11:30 am