Event Details
Business Tax Concepts (Parts I and II)
Part 1: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 9:30 am- 12:30 pm
Part 2: Thursday, March 15, 2018 9:30 am- 12:30 pm
***Please Note:This is a two part class. You are automatically registered for BOTH classes when registering.
In Part 1 You will learn:
- How operating a business creates tax benefits.
- The necessity of “profit motive” for deductions and tax benefits.
- Recordkeeping and required reporting.
- IRS audits of businesses.
- Using pre-tax versus after-tax dollars.
- Requirements for tax deductions.
- Common business deductions and record keeping.
In Part 2 You will learn:
- Employees and independent contractors—the differences.
- Misclassified employees—new enforcement; higher penalties.
- Tax & legal biz structures—differences in taxes, fringe benefits & protections
- Sole props, partnerships, LLCs and corporations—the differences
- Does your LLC or corporation have legal standing?
- Alter ego actions that pierce LLCs and corporations.
- LLCs & corps MUST be properly formed and maintained.
- Vehicle expenses for LLCs and corporations.
- Health insurance and medical expenses for S corps.
- Hiring your spouse and dependent children.
March 15, 2018
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
California Capital Women’s Business Center
1792 Tribute Rd #270
Sacramento, CA 95815
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