Event Details
California Department of Taxes and Fees Administration:
Overview:On January 1, 2018, it became legal to cultivate, sell, and purchase adult-use cannabis in California. Also, on January 1, 2018, two new state taxes became effective that apply to the cultivation and the retail sale of both adult-use and medicinal cannabis. The CDTFA will provide guidance on how the new cannabis taxes apply and the rules cannabis businesses must follow in order to comply with the Cannabis Tax Law. Those currently working within the California cannabis industry or those who are considering it will find this presentation helpful.
Employment Development Department:
Overview: More information coming soon!.
State of California Franchise Tax Board:
Overview: Get valuable information about income taxation of cannabis businesses and answer questions surrounding taxation of this industry in California. We look forward to your participation and questions.
April 19, 2018
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
California Capital FDC
1792 Tribute Rd. Suite #270
Sacramento, California 95815
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