Cannabis Business Income Taxes & You

Cannabis Business Income Taxes & You

Please join us for an informative workshop with the State of California Franchise Tax Board to learn more about income taxation of cannabis businesses as well as to answer questions surrounding taxation of this industry in California. We look forward to your participation and questions.
About the presenters: Lila Fedler is a Franchise Tax Board spokesperson and serves as a Technical Assistant to the Advocate. Lila is an Enrolled Agent with the Internal Revenue Service, and began her career with the Franchise Tax Board in 1980. Lila currently works directly with the Taxpayer Rights’ Advocate to assure that the taxpayers have been afforded the protections of the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights. With her more than 37 years, Lila has acquired a broad range of experience covering both personal income and corporation tax laws. In addition to her experience as a Franchise Tax Board Auditor, Protest Hearing Officer, and Audit Technical Specialist and Reviewer, she worked in the private sector as a Senior Manager in the state and local tax practice at a top public accounting firm, headquartered in the West, providing consulting services to public and private middle-market enterprises in many different industries.

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Patent & Trademarks and Intellectual Property

This class will provide a comprehensive overview of intellectual property rights and protections of importance to the small business owner. Learn the basics of Trade Secrets, Copyrights, Patents, and Trademark. The class will include a tutorial on performing a Trademark search and filling out a Trademark application online.

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Human Resources for Small Businesses

Human Resources for Small Businesses

How necessary is Human Resources compliance, really?

For small and start up businesses, is it really necessary to understand California HR compliance? Attend this workshop and learn why it is imperative to implement good human resource practices from the beginning of our journey, even if you are a small start up or growing company. You will learn that staying ahead of the changing HR landscape that will protect you and your company for years to come.

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Improve Your Financial Well-Being

Improve Your Financial Well-Being

At this workshop, you’ll learn more about:

  • How to improve your personal cash flow
  • Ways to financially protect what’s important to you
  • Money-saving tips
  • Strategies for securing your retirement

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Gentle Yoga for De-Stressing and Optimizing Wellness

Gentle Yoga for De-Stressing and Optimizing Wellness

End the work-week by unwinding with some gentle yoga, breath awareness, and soothing essential oils. In this session, we will be introducing gentle yoga on the yoga mat, on the floor. Therefore, the ability to get up and down from the floor is required.

If you have any health issues or concerns, please consult with your physician first, to make sure gentle yoga is appropriate for you.


    • Bring a YOGA MAT
    • Wear COMFORTABLE CLOTHES you can move and stretch in
    • Plan to practice in your BARE FEET


    Bio: Kat has been practicing yoga since 1996, and is a Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance. She offers private and group lessons by appointment and teaches public yoga classes at the Yoga Shala Arden Studio in Sacramento. Through the California College of Ayurveda, she is a certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor and Ayurvedic Body Therapist, as well as a Certified Massage Therapist with the California Massage Therapy Council. She offers workshops, programs and retreats for Women’s Seasonal Yoga and Ayurvedic Rituals. For more information, please visit

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Financing with the Small Business Administration

What You Will Learn

  • How does a small business get money?
  • Bank loans-are they impossible?
  • Doing your homework before applying for a loan and who might be able to help
  • Why banks might not be able to lend to your business. How SBA might help.
  • SBA loan guarantee program overview 7(a) & 504 Loan Programs
  • Tips for dealing with lenders

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Women’s Lunch and Learn: “Networking Strategies”

Please join us as Veronika Monell, Owner of Jumpstart NOW, gives you business and mindset strategies to become a successful networker and give you tips and tools to turn business cards into a relationship. Topics covered in this session will include:

  • How to build relationships;
  • Craft an elevator pitch
  • Pick the networking group right for you
  • Know your power partners
  • Build an online networking strategy with LinkedIn

Who should attend: Anyone seeking to be a part of the business community, Job Seekers, Entrepreneurs or Business Stakeholders. *Please bring your sack lunch and enjoy this informative forum. Light refreshments provided by SCORE.

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Small Business Tax Panel

A panel of Federal and State tax agencies consisting of the Internal Revenue Service, Franchise Tax Board, Employment Development Department, and Small Business Majority will be at the Women’s Business Center discussing your tax rights and responsibilities as a small business owner.


    • Representative, CADTFA, Regional Liaison
    • Representative, CADTFA, Sales and Use Tax
    • Alvaro Hernandez, FTB, Taxpayer Rights Advocate
    • Cristella Sanchez, IRS, Business Education Specialis
    • Ling Wu, EDD, Senior Employment Tax Consultant

Get your tax questions answered by a specialist!!

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Franchising 101

Franchising 101

What will you learn:

  • What is franchising and how does it work?
  • Is franchising a business for you?
  • Is your business able to be franchised?

Why is it important:

    According to the IFA (International Franchise Association), in CA alone, there are currently more than 75,000 franchise outlets. In 2017, these outlets employed roughly 750,000 workers and generated economic output in excess of $73B. Franchising remains a viable business opportunity.

Company Bio: Deli Delicious Franchising, Inc. is a respectable and growing franchise system based in Fresno, CA. The company started with seven restaurants in 2008 and has grown to more than 100 total units open or in development in CA. Deli Delicious is committed to providing superior support to their franchise community and to the delivery of excellence in service and quality in all of their restaurants.

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How to Choose The Right Business Entity

How to Choose The Right Business Entity

An overview of the basics of entity selection and formation. Including the differences between and the advantages of: California and Delaware Corporations, S and C Corporations, various types of Partnerships, LLCs, Sole Proprietorships and a few others. We will also cover the tax and liability implications of each. Finally we will go over the basic considerations you will need to form your own business entity, such as; corporate bylaws, and partnership, or membership agreements.

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SBA Logo“Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.”